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CRM as a competitive support

We have heard many times right considerations about the fact that CRM can not be reduced to a simple implementation of the last application top of the range, but that now goes to regard it as an interdisciplinary approach, which incorporates both a strategic and tactical vision, which has as primary objective is to put at the center of the business, every single customers, his needs and expectations

And it’s  of course, this an exact definition.

The problem is that many companies persist to overlapping the CRM area with the Marketing's area.

We believe, that the idea of using the levers and resources (human, economic, productive , etc...) to meet the needs/desires of customers (or potential and previous customers) and, at the same time, achieve their goals of profit is typically tied to the essence of Marketing.

In fact, the CRM has increased over time, from the first time I've heard about are also well past more than 15 years, becoming something more and different at the same time, it is a "new" cross-entity to support the whole process of orientation to the customer (a customer-centric vision)  from the preparation of the offer to the management of post-sales service, delivery and customer's care - which then becomes involved in the activities of the various departments: marketing, production, sales and customer service. Theoretically, a well-structured, CRM should be able to predict the time for reorganization and replenishment of the customer, their needs and recurrent early identification of market developments that the customer might require. The most interesting thing is that to make this CRM tool uses simple logic with the help of innovative technologies.

Then the company CRM administrator, today, must be a curious person who knows how to interface a proactive and structured way with various business functions more properly related to the business, who is familiar with what technology and science statistics provide the respectively about of the tracking of customer-company relationships and the descriptive and predictive analysis about the profiles/behavior of the customers.

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